"The Smoke In Your Own Home Is Better Than The Fire In Another's"

The Fielder Estates

Home Owning

The desire for a home is so deeply rooted in the minds of the majority of mankind, that it may be regarded as almost an instinctive human urge. One of the better instincts of human nature, and eminently praise­worthy to follow.

What a satisfying reward for the labours and anxieties of that head of the household, is the feeling of comfort and content when he realises that the house that shelters him and his family is his own possession, and how satisfying to the mother to know that the home in which she has brought up her children, with all its precious associations of family life and affection, belongs to her.

The choice of a home then, should be a matter of thought and discrimination. Due regard should be paid to the building, its site and surroundings, and to the healthiness of the locality.

When a dwelling is found that satisfies the aesthetic taste, and offers soundness of construction with comforts and conveniences, and is situated in a delightful spot where vigorous health is imbibed with every breath, the home-seeker should not tempt fate by searching any longer, but should there enshrine his household gods, with the full and confident feeling that health and comfort will attend on him for the rest of his days.

A Link In A Chain Of Happiness

Whether you seek a Cottage, a Bungalow, or a stately home, it is important that you should insist upon a beautiful building.   Beauty of line, proportion, colour and general architecture.

You hope to spend many long, happy years, with your family around you, in your own home, so why should not you exercise a cultured taste, and possess a house that will give full expression to your family atmosphere ? A house that will give you constant pleasure to look upon, and the beauty of which time will soften and mellow, even as the passage of the years will also leave their impressions on you.

Let understanding men create for you the house of your desire; let craftsmen fashion it and skilled men build it strongly. A permanent home, proof against weather and time ; cool in summer, warm in winter ; a thing of beauty and a joy for ever.

Method Of Purchase

The fullest deferred terms are offered and if desired the deposit required  may be reduced for approved applicants to a minimum figure of £50, the balance being provided through a Building Society.

Civil Servants and Pensioners are given special consideration.

In special cases a small Policy of Insurance is asked, this Policy reverting to the purchaser when the Mortgage is reduced to the normal advance.

See detailed Schedule of Monthly and Weekly Payments on page 53.

To Motorist

A week-end bungalow in the country by the sea makes an appeal to nearly everyone. To motorists especially it should be very attractive.

Now that the Bridge connecting Canvey Island with the mainland is in use, the motorist can cross at any time of the day or night. (It is a free Bridge—there is no toll.) For a small weekly payment you can own a charming Week-end Bungalow in the healthiest spot in the Kingdom, and only a hour-and-a-half’s run from London.

You can bring your family and your friends down and spend many an enjoyable holiday at a cost much below that of staying at a hotel, and can benefit your health to a degree that will astonish you, as the air of Canvey Island is wonderfully invigorating, and the very best, lasting tonic that anyone can get.

Reckon how much you spend in a year on Week-end and longer Holidays, and test whether this proposition is not more economical and beneficial.

Comments about this page

  • I have lived in both of the two houses in the foreground. My family and I moved from Blackburn Lancs into no 35 Welbeck Road in September 1953 when I was 6. Mum and dad lived there until they passed away. I moved with my family into the house next door no 33 in September 1987 and still live there.

    By Jean Valerie Watts (30/10/2020)

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